SparkFun is an online retail store that sells the bits and pieces to make your electronics projects possible. Open source technology, resources, DIY electronics, and more.
182 Projects

Control Stepper Motor Using Edp Stepper Component - Visuino

Control Light On/off Via Sms With Sim900 Module - Visuino

Adjustable Led Weight Limit Indicator With Hx711 Scale

The Three Fridge Problem

Third Eye: Face Recognition Model, Ocr (read) & Translation

How To Make Flexible Arduino/pcb

Arduino Scale With Hx711 Using Visuino

Rfid Reader Using Nodemcu Esp8266 & Visuino

Wavtrigger Drum Machine Interface

Ameba Pro 2 Sos: Alerts, Maps & Camera
Ai-driven Interactive Lab Assistant W/ Opencv & Chatgpt

Easy! Ultrasonic Sensor Hc-sr04 With Arduino Uno R4

Diy Smart Bubble Machine

Ultrasonic Sensor With Home Assistant

Alternative Wii Controller

How To Make A Diy Cnc Laser Engraver At Home

How To Make Diy Music Reactive Rgb Led Ring (ws2812b)